Generate Strong and Unpredictable Passwords using Python

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It can’t be said enough how important it is to protect your online accounts today. The simplest but at the same time most effective way is to use complex and unpredictable passwords. Here we walk you through the process of creating a Python script that will generate such a password.

Why Strong Passwords Matter

A strong password significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your accounts. Characteristics of a strong password include:

  • Length: At least 8 characters long.
  • Complexity: A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters.
  • Unpredictability: Randomly generated to avoid common patterns or easily guessable sequences.

The Python Script

Below is a simple Python script that generates a strong, unpredictable password. The script uses the secrets module, which is preferable for security purposes over the random module due to its cryptographic strength.

# A Python script to generate a strong and unpredictable password
# Author: KD Jayakody
import secrets
import string

def generate_strong_password(length=8):
    alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
    password = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(length))
    return password

password = generate_strong_password(10)
print(f"Generated strong password for KD Jayakody: {password}")

How the Script Works

  1. Importing Necessary Modules: The script imports the secrets and string modules. The secrets module provides functions for generating secure tokens and random numbers, while the string module includes a collection of string constants.
  2. Defining the Function: The generate_strong_password function takes an optional parameter length which defaults to 8. It constructs an alphabet containing uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and punctuation.
  3. Generating the Password: The function generates the password by randomly selecting characters from the alphabet until the desired length is reached. This is done using a list comprehension combined with secrets.choice.
  4. Printing the Password: The script generates a password of length 10 and prints it, prefixed with a custom message.

Example Output

When you run the script, you might get an output like this:

Generated strong password for KD Jayakody: |8b,`\=fh3

Each time you run the script, it will generate a different password, ensuring unpredictability.

Customizing the Script

You can easily customize the script to suit your needs:

  • Change Password Length: Modify the length parameter in the function call to generate longer or shorter passwords.
  • Exclude Certain Characters: Adjust the alphabet string to exclude characters that might be confusing or unwanted.


Generation of strong, unpredictable passwords is one of the key ways to ensure security in your online presence. You can develop a reliable password generator with Python using the secrets module to help in satisfying your security demands. This script by KD Jayakody is a great starting point for anyone looking to enhance password security.

Feel free to improve and add on this script so that you will have strong passwords that are also safe.